Hoanib Valley Camp

Daydrive Walk

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Hoanib Valley Camp: Our View 

Hoanib Valley Camp is situated in Kaokoland, one of Namibia's most remote and wild environments, and one that not many will get the chance to discover in their lifetime. Deep in north-western Namibia, this area is a melee of towering mountains, mysterious canyons, sand dunes, and huge expanses of desert- scattered with unique wildlife and nomadic Himba settlements.

We have been to so many camps in Africa, but this one stood out for us as absolutely iconic. Desert-adapted elephant in such numbers that we had to radio for an emergency vehicle pickup when walking! Good numbers of other wildlife in the valley when we were there - springbok, oryx, giraffe, plus leopard and lion tracks. The accommodation and cuisine is of a really exceptional quality.

Hoanib Valley Camp is a joint venture between the local communities and the Giraffe Conservation Foundation, the world’s only Africa-wide giraffe conservation organisation. Hoanib Valley Camp is an elegant, intimate affair that immerses you into the wilds of the desert. The six rooms blend seamlessly with the environment, offering a simple aesthetic that matches the rugged landscape down to a tee. Days are spent tracking endangered rhino, desert-adapted elephant, and of course desert-adapted giraffe, before retiring to your private veranda to marvel at the magnitude of your surroundings.

Hoanib Valley’s six guest tents blend almost perfectly into the rugged environment. The colours, textures and patterns are inspired by the experience of the Hoanib; the rich ochre of the dunes, the geometric patterns of the Himba people and, of course, the giraffe that inspired the project. The whole camp is a clean and green sort of place, leaving virtually no footprint on this fragile eco-system. It’s entirely solar powered to ensure carbon emissions are kept to a minimum, and the tents sit on decks made of a wood, bamboo and 70% recycled-material composite.

Hoanib Valley Camp: Quick Facts

  • 6 luxury tents: 5 king size or twins, 1 family
  • Ensuite bathrooms with indoor showers
  • Intimate and exclusive 
  • 4 x 4 game drives 
  • Guided Walking 
  • Wifi available
  • Battery charging facilities
  • Complimentary laundry service
  • Children of all ages are welcome
  • All meals and local drinks and activities are included
  • Not included: Flights, premium brand beverages, tips & gratuities

Hoanib Valley Camp: The Details

 Hoanib Valley Camp is open year-round, but the two seasons (the green season and the dry season) offer two remarkably different experiences.

The summer months of December to March are the green season. When the rain comes, the rocky landscapes are transformed into a rich, emerald carpet, and, depending on the level of rainfall, the dry riverbeds flow (albeit briefly) with life-giving water. Dramatic sunsets are littered with heavy clouds, and short bursts of rain clear the dust from the air. It’s fresh, vivid, and although temperatures can be high, it’s a lovely time of year to visit.

Then the rain stops, and the land dries slowly into its iconic, desert state. Midwinter (May to July), brings chilly temperatures in the mornings and evenings (that’s where a warm jacket comes in) but as the season progresses the temperatures rise steadily. By October, the land is at its driest and the temperature at its warmest, and as the desert-elephant begin to congregate around the last drops of water in the river valleys, you’ll be rewarded with some truly incredible sights.